Monday, February 14, 2005

Welcome to SmartWater Technology

Welcome to SmartWater Technology

SmartWater will provide your commercial property with a unique 'forensic fingerprint', which whilst being virtually invisible to the naked eye, glows under UV light and is practically impossible to remove entirely. SmartWater will protect individual items, especially mobile items such as laptops and phones, but it also protects the whole of your business or organisation from burglary and theft. It’s a chilling thought that the majority of theft for most organisations comes in the form of pilferage. So whilst you will be letting burglars know you’re protected by forensic coding, your staff can also be taking the message on board.

Now this is cool...permanent microdot watermarking for anything that you can imagine! Stealthily applied or overtly advertised....many possible uses. See this link for a real-life example of this in action:
