Wednesday, February 16, 2005

HNS - The Threat Within - Why Businesses Need To Manage And Monitor Employee Email Usage

HNS - The Threat Within - Why Businesses Need To Manage And Monitor Employee Email Usage: "The Threat Within - Why Businesses Need To Manage And Monitor Employee Email Usage
by Jamie Cowper - Senior Technical Consultant, Mirapoint - Monday, 14 February 2005.

In a few short years, email has become a major part of the national psyche and a business-critical tool of communication. However, while companies have been more than willing to embrace the business benefits of email, they continue to remain oblivious to many of the responsibilities this new form of communication brings, particularly as it affects their employees.
Security starts with policies, but those policies must have sharp teeth in the form of technology and defined IT processes. And while technology can help with the monitoring and enforcement of your policies, you still need periodic user education and proof that those policies are enforced without prejudice (in law enforcement, wars, and streetfighting this is called "a show of force"). Just make sure that your show of force can survive a wrongful termination suit by having properly executed policies in the first place. -Bryan