Monday, August 16, 2004

Sasser kid blamed for viral plague - The Register

By John Leyden
Published Friday 30th July 2004 10:26 GMT
A staggering 70 per cent of viral activity in the first half of this year can be linked to just one German teenager, according to anti-virus firm Sophos.

Sven Jaschan, 18, the self-confessed author of the NetSky and Sasser worms is blamed by Sophos for the vast majority of viral reports it recorded during the first six months of 2004. Just two of Jaschan's viruses - the infamous Sasser worm and NetSky-P - account for almost 50 per cent of all virus activity seen by Sophos up until the end of June. Counting Jaschan's other released variants of the NetSky worm, the total figure comes to over 70 per cent.

One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. What would happen if there was a more concerted effort put to attacking the masses of unpatched systems out there? We are lucky that this kid did not have more malicious motives. link above for the full article