Monday, August 16, 2004

IrishEyes: AirPort JustePort Crack

IrishEyes: AirPort JustePort Crack

August 12, 2004
AirPort JustePort Crack
GVSV -- Jon Johansen, author of DeCSS, has discovered the public key that the AirPort Express uses to allow software to play audio through it and posted it to So Sue Me. The public key for AirPort Express is out in the open (see below but no need to check Jon's blog because it's withering under the load). Until Apple "patch[es]" it, anyone could encrypt data using it and get Apple's device to play the music.

He's also released the source code to a JustePort, a small Windows command-line tool. His crack clears the DRM bridles around iTunes because other applications could now broadcast music to your home stereo wirelessly by using Express, rather than just iTunes 4.6. Andrew Orlowski says, "For users on Linux machines, or with WMA or OGG format files, this could be a boon, as iTunes supports neither format out of the box."

....see link above for more